Basilicata, Italy Weather
Current: 12.52°C/54.54°F, Wind SW at 7.78 km/h, 85% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain
- Basilicata, Italy Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Basilicata over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Basilicata in the coming days
- Rainfall in Basilicata in the coming days
- Basilicata Weather Summary
- Weather averages by month
- Basilicata's weather
- Frequently asked questions
- Comments
Current conditions
Condition: Clear Sky
Pressure: 1,013 hPa
Sea level: 1,013 hPa
Temperature: 12.05°C
Cloud: 9%
Humidity: 85%
Wind: SW 8.93 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 17.71°C
- Average low 14.91°C
- Hottest day (02 October 2024) 21.8°C
- Coldest day (15 October 2024) 8.07°C
- Average humidity 67.23%
- Days with precipitation 11 days
- Highest precipitation 7.86 mm (18 September 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 14°C
- Min: 11°C
- Total Precipitation: 0.1 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Basilicata over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Basilicata in the coming days
Rainfall in Basilicata in the coming days
Basilicata Climate Summary
Basilicata features a Mediterranean, warm summer (Köppen classification: Csb), with an average annual temperature of 14.39ºC (57.9ºF), which is about -0.08% lower than the national average for Italy. Annually, the city experiences approximately 66.02 millimeters (2.6 inches) of rainfall, spread across 130.62 rainy days, accounting for 35.79% of the year.
Longitude | 40.6430766 |
Latitude | 15.9699878 |
Yearly high temperature | 17.55ºC (63.59ºF) |
Yearly low temperature | 8.15ºC (46.67ºF) |
Hottest month | August 29.14ºC (84.45ºF) |
Coldest month | January 1.14ºC (34.05ºF) |
Yearly precip | 66.02mm (2.6in) |
Days with rainfall | 130.62 days (35.79%) |
Driest month | October (74.19%) |
Wettest month | May (76.13%) |
Weather averages by month
Month | High / Low (°C) | Rain |
January | 7.69° / 1.14° | 10.64 days |
February | 8.83° / 1.47° | 11.27 days |
March | 11.91° / 3.3° | 13.0 days |
April | 15.62° / 5.53° | 12.82 days |
May | 19.02° / 8.36° | 14.27 days |
June | 24.43° / 12.77° | 12.09 days |
July | 28.21° / 15.82° | 10.45 days |
August | 29.14° / 16.69° | 9.18 days |
September | 23.58° / 13.49° | 11.45 days |
October | 19.05° / 10.32° | 9.36 days |
November | 13.91° / 6.62° | 9.36 days |
December | 9.21° / 2.25° | 6.73 days |
Basilicata's weather
- Avigliano
- Grassano
- Marconia
- Melara
- Palazzo San Gervasio
- Poggio San Michele
- Preti
- Ramiera
- Ripacandida
- Riseca Don Ciccio
- Serra di Croce
- Serra Verde
- Signorella
- Spinazzo
- Stazione di Bella-Muro
- Sterpito di Sotto
- Tarantuono
- Taverna Pittella
- Tempa Rossa
- Terzo
- Timparossa
- Tolve
- Torre Mare
- Trecchina
- Recoleta
- Rifreddo
- Rimendiello
- Rionero in Vulture
- Prastio
- Bernalda
- Ferrandina
- Genzano di Lucania
- Irsina
- Lagonegro
- Lavello
- Matera
- Maurino
- Medichetta
- Melfi
- Montalbano Jonico
- Montescaglioso
- Pisticci
- Pisticci Scalo
- Pizzutella
- Policoro
- Potenza
- Prato
- Priore
- Procoio
- Quartiere Residenziale
- Rapolla
- Rapone
- Re Pupillo
- Senise
- Serra
- Serra dell'Olmo
- Serra di Pepe
- Serra Marina
- Serra San Francesco
- Serrone
- Signore
- Solfata
- Sorge
- Spinamara
- Spineto
- Spinoso
- Stagliozzo
- Stazione di Ferrandina
- Stazione di Tito
- Sterpito di Sopra
- Stigliano
- Stolfi
- Taccone
- Taverna
- Taverna del Postiere
- Taverna Magnano
- Teana
- Tempa del Conte
- Tempa del Gatto
- Tempone Seluci
- Tenuta Gala
- Terranova di Pollino
- Terzo Cavone
- Terzo Marzoccolo
- Tinchi
- Tintiera
- Tito
- Toppo di Scioscio
- Tora
- Torno
- Torretta
- Torrette
- Trafana
- Tramutola
- Tricarico
- Venosa
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the hottest month in Basilicata?
August has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 29.14ºC) and January are the coolest (daily mean of 1.14ºC).
2. What should I wear in Basilicata today?
For today's cool weather in Basilicata, with temperatures between 11ºC to 14ºC (51.8ºF to 57.2ºF), you should consider wearing:
- Thin gloves (optional for early mornings or late evenings)
- Comfortable pants or jeans
- Light jacket or cardigan
- Long-sleeve top or shirt
Comments (0)
- Latest first
- Highest rated
Air quality
Acceptable air quality, some pollutants present, minor health concerns for sensitive individuals
- CO 226.97
- NH3 1.93
- NO 0.01
- NO2 2.1
- O3 60.08
- PM10 4.02
- PM25 3.89
- SO2 1.57